miercuri, 16 iulie 2014
vineri, 11 ianuarie 2013
luni, 3 septembrie 2012
luni, 20 august 2012
A song of greatness
Telling of heroes,
Telling of great deeds
Of ancient days,
Whwn I hear them telling,
Then I think within me
I too am one of these.
Whwn I hear the people
Praising great ones,
Then I know that I too
Shall be esteemed,
I too when my time comes
Shall do mightily
A Chippewa Indian song
transcribed by Mary Austin
duminică, 19 august 2012
Expect The Sea Water
I breathe
in the air
out the air
stiller than dew on morning grass
breathe I whisper
breathe my lungs are shaky things on rickety legs.
I breathe in the air
out the air
in the...
and then she comes.
The Sea. With all her tides that pull. And I am under.
breathe I whisper
breathe my lungs are swollen things on thrashing legs.
I breathe in the air out the air
and forget...
Expect the sea water .
in the air
out the air
stiller than dew on morning grass
breathe I whisper
breathe my lungs are shaky things on rickety legs.
I breathe in the air
out the air
in the...
and then she comes.
The Sea. With all her tides that pull. And I am under.
breathe I whisper
breathe my lungs are swollen things on thrashing legs.
I breathe in the air out the air
and forget...
Expect the sea water .
For Poets
Stay beautiful
but dont stay down underground
too long
Dont turn into a mole
or a worm
or a root
or a stone
Come on out into the sunlight
Breathe in trees
Knock out mountains
Commune with snakes
& be the very hero of birds
Dont forget to poke your head up
& blink
Walk all around
Swim upstream
Dont forget to fly
By Al Young
vineri, 27 iulie 2012
sâmbătă, 14 iulie 2012
What's a NAME?
Did you ever wonder why your name is what it is?
Every culture in the world has its way of naming people. If you lived in a different time or place, your name would be quite different.
North America
Native Americans choose a name that tells something obout the person. There is a reason for each name. Sometimes there's a story behind the name.
A name may:
Spain and Latin America
In Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries, it is the custom to give a child the last name of both the father and the mother. Pablo Ruiz y Picasso, the artist, had a father named Ruiz and a mother named Picasso. Their names are joined by y, the Spanish word for "and".
If Julia's father's name is Rodriguez and her mother's name is Lopez, what would her whole name be? What would you name be if you were in the Spanish traditions?
The Chinese were the first people known to have more than one name. The Chinese usually have 3 names: Wu Jia An is an example. The family name, or surname, comes first. Next is the generation name, which comes from a poem that each family adopts. Last is the milk name, which is like a personal name, your first name.
Try writing your name in the Chinese order. (In Chinese, words are written from top to bottom.)
Now that you have taken your name around the word and back, you might be more curious about it. Find out what your first name means. Ask relatives about your last name. No matter what your name means , looks like, or sounds like, the important thing is that it is yours.
Did you ever wonder why your name is what it is?
Every culture in the world has its way of naming people. If you lived in a different time or place, your name would be quite different.
North America
Native Americans choose a name that tells something obout the person. There is a reason for each name. Sometimes there's a story behind the name.
A name may:
- identify the person's clan Howling Wolf, a Cheyenne, of the Wolf clan
- name a person's Catch-the-Bear accomplishments
- explain a person's abilities Mamanti the Sky Walker, a shaman
- describe a person's appearance Big Foot
- associate the person with Red Cloud something that happened
In Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries, it is the custom to give a child the last name of both the father and the mother. Pablo Ruiz y Picasso, the artist, had a father named Ruiz and a mother named Picasso. Their names are joined by y, the Spanish word for "and".
If Julia's father's name is Rodriguez and her mother's name is Lopez, what would her whole name be? What would you name be if you were in the Spanish traditions?
Try writing your name in the Chinese order. (In Chinese, words are written from top to bottom.)
Now that you have taken your name around the word and back, you might be more curious about it. Find out what your first name means. Ask relatives about your last name. No matter what your name means , looks like, or sounds like, the important thing is that it is yours.
vineri, 13 iulie 2012
Scuba diving
Slipping through
the water like a
worm sliding
Skittering along
the bottom of the
ocean floor like a
A big whale flies by like a silent jet.
Giant coral reefs like big
skyscrapers in the sea.
Bubbles coming from a rubber tube
like smoke coming from a factory.
Giant fish floating by like a
Giant flippers propelling you further and further into the ocean.
Meet Chris Van Allsburg
Van Allsburg holding a scene from his book The Polar Express
He is probably one of the most successful book ilustrators in the United States-yet he almost didn't become an illustrator at all. As a child, he loved to draw and was good at it. But by the time he went to college, he wanted to be a lowyer. His talent won out. He took one drawing class as a lark, and a year later he began serious study to become a professional artist.
His first book, The Garden of Abdul Gasazi, won eight book awards, and his second book, Jumanji, won a Caldecott Medal, the top award given for children's book illustration. A 1985 book, The Polar Expres, won another Caldecott Medal-makeing him the first artist ever to win two.
Once he said- To me, the artist's role is as a magician who can make strange things happen. The opportunity to create a small world between two pieces of cardboard...is exciting and rewarding.
Van Allsburg holding a scene from his book The Polar Express
He is probably one of the most successful book ilustrators in the United States-yet he almost didn't become an illustrator at all. As a child, he loved to draw and was good at it. But by the time he went to college, he wanted to be a lowyer. His talent won out. He took one drawing class as a lark, and a year later he began serious study to become a professional artist.
His first book, The Garden of Abdul Gasazi, won eight book awards, and his second book, Jumanji, won a Caldecott Medal, the top award given for children's book illustration. A 1985 book, The Polar Expres, won another Caldecott Medal-makeing him the first artist ever to win two.
Once he said- To me, the artist's role is as a magician who can make strange things happen. The opportunity to create a small world between two pieces of cardboard...is exciting and rewarding.
miercuri, 11 iulie 2012
still hangs
heavy and sweet with sunlight
as it did last year.
still comes
showering gold and crimson
as it did last year.
still stings
clean and cold and white
as it did last year.
still comes
like a whisper in the dark night.
It is only I
who have changed.
A path to the moon
From my front door there's a path to the moon
that nobody seems to see
tho it's marked with stones & grass & trees
there's nobody sees it but me.
You walk straight ahead for ten trees or so
turn left at the robin's song
follow the sound of the west wind down
past where the deer drink from the pond.
You take a right turn as the river bends
then where the clouds touch the earth
close your left eye & count up to ten
while twirling for all thar you're worth.
And if you keep walking right straight ahead
clambering over the clouds
saying your mother's & father's names
over & over out loud
you'll come to the place where moonlight's born
the plce where the moonbeams hide
and visit all of the crater sites
on the dark moon's secret side.
From my front door there's a path to the moon
that nobody seems to see
tho it's marked with stones & grass & trees
no one sees it but you & me.
From my front door there's a path to the moon
that nobody seems to see
tho it's marked with stones & grass & trees
there's nobody sees it but me.
You walk straight ahead for ten trees or so
turn left at the robin's song
follow the sound of the west wind down
past where the deer drink from the pond.
You take a right turn as the river bends
then where the clouds touch the earth
close your left eye & count up to ten
while twirling for all thar you're worth.
And if you keep walking right straight ahead
clambering over the clouds
saying your mother's & father's names
over & over out loud
you'll come to the place where moonlight's born
the plce where the moonbeams hide
and visit all of the crater sites
on the dark moon's secret side.
From my front door there's a path to the moon
that nobody seems to see
tho it's marked with stones & grass & trees
no one sees it but you & me.
miercuri, 4 iulie 2012
vineri, 1 iunie 2012
Preferatele mele sunt cele ce se refera la genurile: drama, science fiction,mysteri si cite putin din alte genuri.
Cel mai bun pe care am reusit sa il vizionez este ONE DAY
Filmul chiar e superb si e perfect pentru cei ce prefera filmele cu sfirsit mai tragic de felul TITANIC-ului, A WALK TO REMEMBER, DEAR JOHN sau SWEET NOVEMBER.
duminică, 6 mai 2012
Intr-o zi am dat peste niste imagini foarte interesant dar de neinteles pentru mine.
Ma refer la stereograme.
Stereograma = O imagine, sau o pereche de imagini, care, vizualizate corespunzator produc impresia unei imagini 3D.
Majoritatea spun ca sunt foarte interesante pe cind eu nu inteleg nimic din ele.
Cine intelege ceva va rog ajutatima si pe mine.
Cine intelege ceva va rog ajutatima si pe mine.
Iata citeva imagini:
Cine si ce vede?
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